The “Neighbourhood Expert”

In your neighbourhood you may have a Realtor that you perceive to be “neighbourhood expert”. What makes this person the neighbourhood expert? Do they send you a lot of marketing materials? Perhaps you see their name and faces on all the bus benches in your...

Buy Your Home if it Does Not Sell?!

I love to meet with people and present the services of myself and my brokerage. Sometimes I am competing with other Realtors from other companies. I don’t mind. I love the competition! Frankly, I believe that myself and MaxWell City Central have a lot to bring...

Commissions and Value

Often times when chatting on the phone with a potential client I get asked, “What commission do you charge?” I make it a rule never to quote my fees over the phone. Why? It’s because I believe I bring value to a client. Let me explain further. If you...