I would never let any of my clients purchase a home without a home inspection.  While a home inspection does not eliminate risk, it certainly decreases your risk substantially.  Always use a qualified home inspector.  I have a couple of home inspectors to which I refer my clients.

A good home inspector will look at a myriad of items in a potential home for your purchase.  The roof and the foundation are important items.  The furnace is another important item as is the electrical and water systems in the home.  Home inspectors will tax the water systems within the home heavily to ensure there are no leaks or deficiencies.  I prefer to use home inspectors that utilize thermal imaging.  This is a terrific technology for checking for hot and cold zones and are great for checking electrical systems, roofing, insulation, as well as detecting moisture.  In fact, a good home inspector will check even minor issues such as drawer pulls, etc. 

There is no perfect house, but if you can get a good home and avoid any major or expensive issues, then it is money well spent on a good home inspection!  Thanks for reading!

By Patrick Murray